Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 years, 15 days


Rearranged some furniture. Primarily so my printer was in a better place, and I could actually get to the drawers in the filing cabinet. And I found a few things...

My divorce papers, which I sort of knew were in there. And I realized it had... I'm not sure if "Only" or "Already" is correct, honestly, but it had been 3 months, 16 days (March 6, 2006) since my divorce was made official.

What a rollercoaster. I was dazed - enough that I lost some things precious to me - when I left. For the first year or so, I broke down more than once. Then... a long period of just *anger* at her and her manipulative bitch mother... yeah, you can see who I mostly blame, I guess.

That said, I still don't know what to believe from all she told me. And she made plenty of chocies on her own.

That sort of brings up the other thing I found... a composition book with some of her... she'd call it poetry, it's mostly ramblings though. Reading through it, it was 3-4 years into the marriage...

well, I don't know what to think from reading it. Nor do I have a current phone number, or know if I should spend postage to send it to her. Hell, I don't know if she's still alive even. Or how I'd feel if she weren't... our past has been pretty poisoned by both her actions and the manipulations of her mother. Hell, if she isn't alive, it's probably from her mother's paranoia about doctors.

Yeah. I'm a bit torn... yeah, part of me just wants to burn the thing, but another says it's not even mine, so... I just don't know. I don't know that I'm even angry any more. Resentful, I'll buy.

Divorce, by the way, sucks.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Assassin's Creed

OK. So, $20. Picked up Assassin's Creed. I've actually wanted to for a while - it seemed interesting, might be an interesting story, mix of stealth and combat, etc.

Not bad at all, especially for that price, though I'm not that far in yet. And even on my not-top-end hardware (Athlon 5600x2 2.9 ghz, GeForce 7900, 2 Gb RAM, XP Home SP3, Viewsonic 1680x1050 monitor) it's *gorgeous.* Not hard to pick up, either - yeah, the "modes" thing sounds like it might be a bit much, but once you get into it... not an issue.

I have to admit, it's fun pickpocketing, climbing up buildings, diving into haystacks to get lost, and the "Eagle vision" they give is rather interesting. Gameplay's fun, it's not combo-crazy or anything, it's pretty straightforward.

There are exactly two things that bug me, though, both having to do with this being from a console.

One - *save points.* There's no "Save" or "Quicksave" that I've seen... no, once certain points are reached, you save. I hate that. If I want to leave now, I dont' want to lose my progress.

The other... exiting the game. It's a good five step process... exit memory, exit animus, exit, then for some reason it asks for a profile again - so select and exit AGAIN. I know for a console you just exit and yank the disk - why does this have to be sucha process on a PC?

"To menu" or "To desktop," with a "cancel" option. That's all it takes. Not five minutes of screwing through menus to find every exit option.

Other than those two... tis fun.