Thursday, February 26, 2004

Here's an idea. There are times we don't need *military* force, but sending in "forces" that might be more acceptible would be a good idea.

How about a police force - each nation has control over its own police force, but multiple nations have their police trained similarly in international, common criminal and human rights laws. This would *not* be controlled by the UN. Yet, in a situation such as in Haiti, we wouldn't have to consider sending an already-overextended military there. The military's trained to fight. That's not what's needed.

Using Haiti as an example, we, Canada, France, and some of the Carribean nations could for the (en vogue since the 1990s) coalition to send a police force to Haiti. This could not be seen as an invasion or overthrow attempt, just a temporary force to maintain order. No one nation would have to carry the burden - the forces would be proportionate to each nation's ability and interest.

For something like Iraq, this police force would have followed the military's drive into Baghdad and probably prevented a great deal of the looting and destruction which occured - and which the military is *not* trained in dealing with.

I don't know, I think it's a good idea. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

What the hell is wrong with this administration?

Let's see, we've got a "recovery" that consists of giving jobs to foreign workers, while forcing highly trained people into McJobs. We've got No Child Left Behind, which apparently means if you're left behind because you're not a cookie cutter kid, you get steamrolled - and forget actually helping teachers, since their union is apparently considered by the Education secretary a "terrorist organization." Oh, and let's not forget trying to put a "definition of marriage" into the Constitution - something that belongs there almost as much as Dubya's favourite Salsa recipe.

Hurry up, November. Let's get this wackjob out of office. We've got a lot of recovering to do.

Never thought I'd say I miss Clinton. If McCain had gotten the nomination (as he should have,) we wouldn't be half as fucked up as we are now.

While we're at it, time for a new Pope. One with his head *out* of the sixteenth century... that whole group is so out of touch with the modern world, it's rediculous. Hey, let's condemn the use of condoms and birth control, even though they help prevent pregnancy, STDs (condoms) and more... It's an understandable view when it comes to having to have a large family to work the farm and deal with high infant mortality... but that hasn't been the case for a long time now.

Of course, Ye Olde Shrub agrees, and Texas shows the result - push just abstinance. Deny money to any foundation or charity that says otherwise. And watch teen pregnancy rates have the slowest drop in the nation.

Man. Clinton screwed an intern. Bush screwed an entire country.

As far as the current big topic (which really DOES merit the attention) - marriage of gay and lesbian couples - WTF is the big problem? OK, they can't have kids - they can adopt. "Sanctity of marriage?" You're kidding, right? With marriages because of booze (and a high divorce rate,) this argument holds as much water as a fishnet in Arizona. The gay/lesbian community would probably have a *lower* rate, given all the BS they have to put up with anyway...

What else - love? They have it. Religion - well, religion's a bad idea to begin with (see comments on the Pope above - and look at Buchannan, et al, for other examples of why religion's so screwed.) If a priest, church, or denomination wants to not agree to the ceremony, fine. That's not government. As long as they can get the legal status (and keep the term "Marriage" - I didn't think that was all that important at first, but thinking harder on it... yes, they need the name too) ...

Many of the couples are "considered" married by friends and family anyway. SO let them fill out the paperwork and pay the fees (hey, government, look! Money!) and have the legal status as well. Or is their love not as "real" or "good" as everyone else's?

Friday, February 20, 2004

Friggin' place.

22% idle time. Because they want so many damn buttons on their phone. And despite all the crap I *do* do around here (and don't seem to get credit for,) it'll be a "performance issue."

Screw it. I'm not extending myself any farther for this fucking place. I'll do my job. Period. OT? Nah. Write training type material up? Sorry, I'm not a dining room table.

Really great way to inspire. Bravo.

In other news - Woohoo, got my second iTunes song download from Pepsi.

Guess not everything from work is bad, eh?

Now go visit

Been a while since I've written. Not as long as I thought, perhaps, but...

We've got folks at work bitching about other folks at work. No big surprise, I guess, and I can see their points. Surprised I haven't shown up in their blogs yet. Such is life.

I know I went back to tech support because - well, it's a job, and something I know, and (somewhat) pays better than Wallyworld (who never seems to be hiring anyway.) And yes, I prefer this to that. I just wish I could do something creative - besides find tactful ways to tell customers "You know what? You're a f'ing idiot."

So what would my ideal job be? I don't know. Something where I didn't have to answer a damn phone and listen to people neep away - "I know you can't support me, but I think you suck because you won't help me, what do you mean you don't know my printer you've never heard from before, make it work, waah."

I want to be a researcher. Not a medical researcher - bodily fluids are ick.

Oh, gawd, the older She Who Should Not Be In Tech Support just got a call. Clueless...

What's annoying is that I drive an hour to get here. Weather's totally different from Salem to Portland half the time. Yeah, I've been late - usually not by much - but that *that* would cost me (answerer of Mac questions, temporary mentor when folks have to step away even though I'm not getting paid for it, etc.) my job. We're not talking "Skips friday, comes in an hour late on a regular basis." We're talking "Getting up at 3 AM to try to make it and if *anything* happens to slow me down, I'm screwed." Supervisor's suggestion... "Leave earlier."

OK, fuck it, I'll just stay awake from midnight Monday to 3 PM or so Friday, when I get home from work... given that half the day I do email (ooh, 20 messages today!) I could go and friggin' telecommute in the AM... but nooooo...

Speaking of not getting paid, where's our fucking raise? 90 days, man... and while I hate saying things that sound like I'm "indispensable," I've *corrected* the Mac training, done a hell of a lot around here - I am, like I mentioned, the Mac guy around here - have more tech knowledge than half the f'ing team... I should be getting paid a *lot* more. If nothing else, it'd make the hour commute each way a bit more worth while. And make me not have to spend around $100 per check (2 weeks) on gas. Not like I can take a bus...