Saturday, December 29, 2007

Almost done

Oy. 2008 that close already?

No, this isn't going to be a reflection, and I truly don't care for making new years resolutions. (I like my 1680x1050, thanks.) Still, as years go, this was - relatively quiet. I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels, and have pretty much given up on the thought of having a family, but this isn't exactly a shock.

I haven't spoken to my ex in months, and she hasn't called. Emailed her a "Have a nice holidy" type email, but that's about it. Given the roller coaster I've been on about her, I can only say it's a good thing. Someday, maybe, we'll end up talking again, but for now? Letting things settle is good.

Besides, i'm getting a bit of myself back. For some time I didn't particularly care for much of anything I used to do. Now... i want to get back into music. And model building. My love of aircraft has started to make itself known again. I've even started buying a few kits. Maybe I'll even get them built.

Ah well. One step at a time. I'm making progress, and y'know, I'm glad. At least I'm moving ahead.

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