Monday, June 26, 2006

Update? Me?

Another long time, no update.

I'm divorced. Have been for nearly four months now. All the emotional shit aside... I guess I'm all right. Pretty much got past that - Leah acting so... strangely, almost hatefully at times to me really helped me not miss her much.

About a month of being a basket case and I was working on starting over - just in time for a friend's life to get hectic...

what fun that was.

Moved home, to Wisconsin. That lasted two weeks. I couldnt' handle my family at that point, so I moved to Ohio with a friend who "had a job lined up." - that didn't work out... so I'm on unemployment. He's now talking about his girlfriend and her kids moving in (and I dont' think he knews what he's getting himself into - this is the first actual relationship he's had) ... so I might just be going back down to florida.

When the hell'd I become a gypsy?

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