Sunday, September 13, 2009


OK, so it's the little things that cheer me up.

The other day, I got my new work schedule - since I'm in a new group, we re-bid shifts, and I got one I'm not *thrilled* with thanks to my lack of seniority. (But, hey, I work from home - not like (a) I can't talk with friends, and (b) I have a drive, right? So it's not all bad. Besides... rebid eventually.)

Well, on a whim, I went on eBay. There, with a nice big "Buy it now," was a kit I've been looking for for at least a decade - just waiting for me to buy it.

Namely, this:

"Big deal, it's an airplane, why look?" Or, for the slightly more discerning, "Others make better kits." Yeah, yeah - but my search for this has gone on for a while. See, I built (and have in my stash for a post-divorce rebuild once I get my own place, or at least a modeling "workshop,") the early release of this, the "A-18." When I built it, I noticed stuff on the mold - filled in gaps and a note of a "white" release.

The prototype.

I've wanted a prototype Hornet for a *long* time. And this - in the blue and gold - is the prototype edition. (Not the prototype of the kit, obviously, but a released model of the aircraft prototype - just to be specific.)

I'm a very happy camper.

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