Saturday, July 04, 2009

Disappointment, happiness... hey, it's life.

Well, seems I had a few.

Yes, I got my monitor back from Viewsonic. It generally works - though I can't say as well as it used to. Give me a dark background - of some sorts, a black and white picture shows it - and it "sparkles." But not often enough to really figure out what's doing it. I have a feeling I'll be looking for a monitor soonish. Fortunately, the same size and 1680x1050 resolution isn't as expensive as a few years ago.

Then there's artwork. Over a year ago (yes, I know) I saw a post from a friend who has a DeviantArt account about someone trying to get together money for books for school, and so was having a sale. New-ish artist, cheap sale, so sure, why not. Well... because it's an experience that will, at times, keep people from trying new artists. She goes by "Miserie." It's been, as mentioned, over a year (end of April 08 to the "Forget it, I give up, let's call it closed" note I sent on July 1 this year.) Two pieces *were* delivered - not spectacular, one actually rather disappointing - and this after being in "sketching" since October, finally seeing drawings earlier this year down to a "They just need coloring, I should be done soon!" about three or four times. No communication (until you get ahold of Paypal, then oh gee, her email that wasn't working suddenly is!) and lots of promises with little delivery. Talking to someone else on her list, I got the same "Yeah, I pretty much gave up on ever seeing the piece(s)" as well. So, if you're looking for an artist for a quick commission, avoid Miserie.

OK, enough grousing. I've had good stuff happening as well. Since I ended with art, I'll start with it, too - another artist that *did* pay off for me to try out, and who I've gone back to for my characters multiple times, Semaj007 over at DeviantArt. He's inexpensive, fast, and turns out pretty decent pieces. I've certainly been happy with what he's given me. Such as the piece to the left, two of my Dominators (a City of Villains archetype.) This is one of the latest I've gotten from him. I've had several pieces done by him, and have yet to be disappointed.

I've got to say, in general, that's my experience with the various people I commission over on DeviantArt. I do, admittedly, go back to the ones I like repeatedly. Not all are fast, or cheap, but I've rarely been disappointed. Most are a pleasure to work with, and - the biggie for me - communicate with you throughout the process. It makes the entire experience enjoyable.

Other good news is actually getting a job - actually getting one and switching to another. I started out on a temporary (two month) contract. I actually probably would not have taken it, given how it would affect my unemployment (break, then probably not able to resume) but I had to bring in some money and I was hoping to get my foot in the door at the company. Well, just after starting, I got another call - one I'd almost given up on, but right now am glad I didn't. I now do tech support (still,) but I work from home. Yes, I telecommute. And I fix peoples computers remotely. Obviously can't do much if hardware's broken, but there's a lot I can do. Enough it surprises folks. Just barely into it, and their training could use a little work, but I'm getting settled in and comfortable, and I'll be trying to speed up what I'm doing (not that I can always help it when the receiving end is a slow computer) and taking multiple people at once. Yeah, don't even need them on the phone most of the time. Just point us at the computer, we'll call when we're done. It's nice, at least for now.

That said, I have *got* to start making more money. I've been in the mid-teens, salarywise, for quite some time. And yeah, working at home is nice - I put about $10-$15 aside for gas, which more than covers me for the week, pick up stuff to make for lunch at home and such, so I have fewer costs - but that said, I should be making much more by now. So, I'll be trying to find a way to do that. While I'm at it - ESPECIALLY since I'm working from home - I've got to find a way to get exercise in. I really need to work on it - too many years of sit-down jobs have taken their toll, and now I don't even have to move far to go to work. Plus, after all, my high school reunion is next year... I've got a lot of work to do on me. :)

So good, bad, and "know I need to do." What can i say, isn't it that way for everyone?

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