Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Seen on Netflix last week:


Cute. But that's to be expected. I'd actually wanted to see it in the theater, and never got around to it. (That happens more often than I care to admit.) Very sweet, plenty of constant action, not-so-subtle poke at American "sit on your butt" culture. :) (Reminds me, I need to exercise.) Might buy it - not on my "Gotta have" list, but it's a definite "Keep in mind."

The Inspector General

Classic Danny Kaye. I love this movie. And White Christmas, Court Jester, the Five Pennies.... well, everything he's done, honestly. But I really, really, REALLY wish some company would go through and restore this movie. You can TELL the source is getting old. It really needs some cleaning up, crisping up, that sort of thing. And I'd love to know that someone did so (and put it in widescreen, not TV-ratio 4:3.)

Someone? Anyone?

I'm not sure which version Netflix uses (sent it back already,) but I picked up the "Alpha" edition of it (another distributor,) which looks the same. The Neflix version has some good biographies and such. Worth renting.

These are too good to let fizzle out. "Give 'em the fist, give 'em the wrist, give 'em the finger!"

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