Friday, August 22, 2003


It's been over a week since my last entry, apparently.

Since then, I've moved, been absolutely heartbroken over doing so, since my wife and I are apart (and splitting up - nothing bad, but it's not good, or fun.) She called the next day and complained - well, long story. She was frustrated and hurt, and called me (for some reason when I tried to call and tell her I was here, it didn't go through) and needed to vent... and hurt me in the process.

Talked a day and a half later, found out what was going on. It actually made some of the heartache go away, knowing she wasn't actually angry or - whatever it was. Just... well, going through the same thing I was.

I've met up with some friends, some here, some a bit further north, and they're getting me into gaming. I'm also looking for work.. Think I've found something, but we'll see. At least I'm out of CFB.

I really miss my wife. I need to win the lottery and be able to call off the divorce, afford a nurse or caregiver to help with her... you know, that sort of thing. Tried to find her online tonight... didn't happen. Oh well.

I really miss her. I hate having my heart in two different places. Not like I don't have a couple of pictures of her around her - two in easy sight right now, in fact. But still...


Yet another reason (besides, oh, money) to need a job. It's something to do to start moving on.

Rather arrange it so she can move in, once I find a place. I dont 'know what the future holds.

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