I'm pissed.
No, not drunk "pissed." (I don't get drunk, tend to like remembering what I'm doing and not acting like an ass.) Talked to my wife today. Seems she overheard a conversation between her older sister and her mom. Her sister told her mom that she (my wife) "wasn't worth" all the time and effort to care for her.
Well, Tasha, you can go fuck yourself. How FUCKING dare you say such a thing about ANYONE, much LESS family. You've got a fucking autistic kid. How'd you like to have someone tell YOU she wasn't worth the effort to care for? On top of it, how about the kid UNDERSTANDING?
Tasha, you self-centered slut of a bitch.... It's ALWAYS about you with you, isn't it. You don't give a rat's ass for your sister, unless you can get something out of it. Go to hell.
And her mom, saying she knows me better than Leah. Yeah, sure, she doesn't even know how old I am. Meanwhile, Leah and I have been married for nearly 5 years. Sure, you know me better than Leah. Uh huh. You're in no position to judge me.
If you can't tell, I *AM* very pissed off.
Leah, we'll get you out of there....
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Friday, August 29, 2003
Saturday, August 23, 2003
This whole Alabama courthouse thing is silly.
More specifically, it's making the Christians defending the ten commandments seem absolutely inept. The argument I hear over and over again is that "The Constitution was inspired by the Ten Commandments" and "The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our laws!"
Um... no.
First argument -
"The constitution was inspired by / based on / related to the Ten Commandments."
No, it wasn't. http://www.house.gov/Constitution/Constitution.html has a copy of it. It deals with seperation of powers, with the foundation of a body of government, with who has power to make war, that sort of thing. Even the basic "Murder is illegal, theft is illegal" isn't in there.
There is NO parallel to be found between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Second argument -
"The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our laws."
First, several commandments would go *against* our laws. Specifically "I am the Lord thy God, who led your people out of Egypt. You shall have no other gods before me" (or no "strange" gods, or any other way it's worded.) Also "Thou shalt make no graven image."
These go against the federal law which prohibits establishment of an "official" religion. Making these part of the "law of the land" would immediately make many religions illegal - anything but judaism, actually. (Nobody worshipped Christ when the law was given, and it could be said that the monument at Mecca is an "idol," so even Christianity and Judaism could be called "illegal.")
Then there's the "you shall not take my name in vain." What's the definition of that? Swearing is now illegal? And is the oft-seen hispanic name "Jesus" vain?
How about working on the Sabbath? Judaic sabbath, remember. Saturday.
There's no law forcing you to "honor" your father or mother. You don't even have to give them a card on Father's Day or Mother's Day.
There are THREE laws that coincide with the ten commandments nationally -
Thou shalt not murder, steal, or bear false witness (fit under perjury, libel, and slander laws for that last one.)
Some places have adultery laws, as well - yet we even kept an adulterer (Clinton) as president.
Last but not least, where's the law that makes envy illegal?
Yet - and this is part of what drives me nuts with so many "fundamentalist" Christians - you point this out and they try to beat you over the head with their Bible.
Then bring up the line in the Treaty of Tripoli, 1790, that says we are "in no way a Christian nation."
It's amazing how much steam can come out of someone's ears.
More specifically, it's making the Christians defending the ten commandments seem absolutely inept. The argument I hear over and over again is that "The Constitution was inspired by the Ten Commandments" and "The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our laws!"
Um... no.
First argument -
"The constitution was inspired by / based on / related to the Ten Commandments."
No, it wasn't. http://www.house.gov/Constitution/Constitution.html has a copy of it. It deals with seperation of powers, with the foundation of a body of government, with who has power to make war, that sort of thing. Even the basic "Murder is illegal, theft is illegal" isn't in there.
There is NO parallel to be found between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Second argument -
"The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our laws."
First, several commandments would go *against* our laws. Specifically "I am the Lord thy God, who led your people out of Egypt. You shall have no other gods before me" (or no "strange" gods, or any other way it's worded.) Also "Thou shalt make no graven image."
These go against the federal law which prohibits establishment of an "official" religion. Making these part of the "law of the land" would immediately make many religions illegal - anything but judaism, actually. (Nobody worshipped Christ when the law was given, and it could be said that the monument at Mecca is an "idol," so even Christianity and Judaism could be called "illegal.")
Then there's the "you shall not take my name in vain." What's the definition of that? Swearing is now illegal? And is the oft-seen hispanic name "Jesus" vain?
How about working on the Sabbath? Judaic sabbath, remember. Saturday.
There's no law forcing you to "honor" your father or mother. You don't even have to give them a card on Father's Day or Mother's Day.
There are THREE laws that coincide with the ten commandments nationally -
Thou shalt not murder, steal, or bear false witness (fit under perjury, libel, and slander laws for that last one.)
Some places have adultery laws, as well - yet we even kept an adulterer (Clinton) as president.
Last but not least, where's the law that makes envy illegal?
Yet - and this is part of what drives me nuts with so many "fundamentalist" Christians - you point this out and they try to beat you over the head with their Bible.
Then bring up the line in the Treaty of Tripoli, 1790, that says we are "in no way a Christian nation."
It's amazing how much steam can come out of someone's ears.
Friday, August 22, 2003
It's been over a week since my last entry, apparently.
Since then, I've moved, been absolutely heartbroken over doing so, since my wife and I are apart (and splitting up - nothing bad, but it's not good, or fun.) She called the next day and complained - well, long story. She was frustrated and hurt, and called me (for some reason when I tried to call and tell her I was here, it didn't go through) and needed to vent... and hurt me in the process.
Talked a day and a half later, found out what was going on. It actually made some of the heartache go away, knowing she wasn't actually angry or - whatever it was. Just... well, going through the same thing I was.
I've met up with some friends, some here, some a bit further north, and they're getting me into gaming. I'm also looking for work.. Think I've found something, but we'll see. At least I'm out of CFB.
I really miss my wife. I need to win the lottery and be able to call off the divorce, afford a nurse or caregiver to help with her... you know, that sort of thing. Tried to find her online tonight... didn't happen. Oh well.
I really miss her. I hate having my heart in two different places. Not like I don't have a couple of pictures of her around her - two in easy sight right now, in fact. But still...
Yet another reason (besides, oh, money) to need a job. It's something to do to start moving on.
Rather arrange it so she can move in, once I find a place. I dont 'know what the future holds.
It's been over a week since my last entry, apparently.
Since then, I've moved, been absolutely heartbroken over doing so, since my wife and I are apart (and splitting up - nothing bad, but it's not good, or fun.) She called the next day and complained - well, long story. She was frustrated and hurt, and called me (for some reason when I tried to call and tell her I was here, it didn't go through) and needed to vent... and hurt me in the process.
Talked a day and a half later, found out what was going on. It actually made some of the heartache go away, knowing she wasn't actually angry or - whatever it was. Just... well, going through the same thing I was.
I've met up with some friends, some here, some a bit further north, and they're getting me into gaming. I'm also looking for work.. Think I've found something, but we'll see. At least I'm out of CFB.
I really miss my wife. I need to win the lottery and be able to call off the divorce, afford a nurse or caregiver to help with her... you know, that sort of thing. Tried to find her online tonight... didn't happen. Oh well.
I really miss her. I hate having my heart in two different places. Not like I don't have a couple of pictures of her around her - two in easy sight right now, in fact. But still...
Yet another reason (besides, oh, money) to need a job. It's something to do to start moving on.
Rather arrange it so she can move in, once I find a place. I dont 'know what the future holds.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Browsing through the MS.public.windowsxp.general group (god, I must love punishment.) Somone asked why there were so many "32 or 64 bit?" questions. Someone else suggested it was AMD's doing (for their upcoming 64 bit processor.)
I had to chip in, saying nah, Apple would have more to say. "64 bits. 0 worms. Apple Powermac G5."
I need to sell that to Apple. And if I see it on TV after today, I'm pointing to the fact I posted this today. Won't sue. Just want a G5 and nice, wide studio display.
Browsing through the MS.public.windowsxp.general group (god, I must love punishment.) Somone asked why there were so many "32 or 64 bit?" questions. Someone else suggested it was AMD's doing (for their upcoming 64 bit processor.)
I had to chip in, saying nah, Apple would have more to say. "64 bits. 0 worms. Apple Powermac G5."
I need to sell that to Apple. And if I see it on TV after today, I'm pointing to the fact I posted this today. Won't sue. Just want a G5 and nice, wide studio display.
Well, MSBlast is out doing its little thing, and I sit back here, laughing, no longer bothering to try to help on the MS newsgroups.
It reminds me of my days in tech support. The same inane questions that could be solved if the user would bother to - oh, I don't know, READ something. Like the question just below his. Which has the same answer for the 3, 527th time that day.
Oh, and people want to blame MS for this. OK, I'll give you that the flaw was in their software. Big suprise. Yet - it was patched a MONTH ago. (Nearly. July 16th.) It got delivered to people - Delivered to them! - by Windows Update. Yet they were too lazy or "scared" (huh?) to update it.
What's next, write a check for a million dollars, HAND it to them, put it on the table, GIVE THEM A PEN, and say "You have three weeks to put your name on this check and cash it for a million dollars." And they don't, then complain they didn't sign it - and blame the person who offered it to them?
Fucking morons.Even moreso after its been TALKED about on the news, online, etc. for the last few weeks.
Me, I'm sitting here, patched (as are all the systems here, and they have been for at least two weeks if not longer) and behind a firewall.
Yeah, that was SO hard to do. I had to... horror of horrors... double click!
Sorry, but the people that are getting hit with this have only themselves to blame, IMHO. Not that they'll be able to READ this 'til they get their act together....
And if one more person asks "Duh, is my copy of Windows XP 32 or 64 bit?" I'm going to strangle them. (Of course, these people wouldn't know the difference anyway.)
It reminds me of my days in tech support. The same inane questions that could be solved if the user would bother to - oh, I don't know, READ something. Like the question just below his. Which has the same answer for the 3, 527th time that day.
Oh, and people want to blame MS for this. OK, I'll give you that the flaw was in their software. Big suprise. Yet - it was patched a MONTH ago. (Nearly. July 16th.) It got delivered to people - Delivered to them! - by Windows Update. Yet they were too lazy or "scared" (huh?) to update it.
What's next, write a check for a million dollars, HAND it to them, put it on the table, GIVE THEM A PEN, and say "You have three weeks to put your name on this check and cash it for a million dollars." And they don't, then complain they didn't sign it - and blame the person who offered it to them?
Fucking morons.Even moreso after its been TALKED about on the news, online, etc. for the last few weeks.
Me, I'm sitting here, patched (as are all the systems here, and they have been for at least two weeks if not longer) and behind a firewall.
Yeah, that was SO hard to do. I had to... horror of horrors... double click!
Sorry, but the people that are getting hit with this have only themselves to blame, IMHO. Not that they'll be able to READ this 'til they get their act together....
And if one more person asks "Duh, is my copy of Windows XP 32 or 64 bit?" I'm going to strangle them. (Of course, these people wouldn't know the difference anyway.)
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
People are... *sigh*
I don't know why I keep heading to the Microsoft.public.* newsgroups. A 'bot could answer their questions... "Is my version of XP 32 or 64 bit?" Hmmm... why don't you check the answer to the THIRTY OTHER PEOPLE WHO ASKED THIS MORNING?
Nah, too much work to actually LOOK and CLICK.
Which, of course, explains the MSBlaster worm. Gee, MS had a patch out a month ago. Windows Update auto-downloads by default and tells you it's ready to install. One double-click. Done.
Yet... what do you think? It's like 80% of the people with XP never f*cking bothered, now they're whining. It's not like it was on Windows Update, mentioned on the news, mentioned on TV, mentioned in computer mags and on websites everywhere...
Like the example I put on one of the newsgroups:
"Doctor, I feel ill."
"Oh, my god, you have to go to surgery NOW or you'll die within the week!"
"I don't understand all that medical stuff, I'm going on vacation."
Uh huh.
Now, I don't really *like* MS but they DID THEIR JOB here. They can't FORCE the patch on your system, but they make it so easy to get it's rediculous.
Even if people DON'T patch, they ADDED A FIREWALL for the fucking connection!
Damn, people....
I don't know why I keep heading to the Microsoft.public.* newsgroups. A 'bot could answer their questions... "Is my version of XP 32 or 64 bit?" Hmmm... why don't you check the answer to the THIRTY OTHER PEOPLE WHO ASKED THIS MORNING?
Nah, too much work to actually LOOK and CLICK.
Which, of course, explains the MSBlaster worm. Gee, MS had a patch out a month ago. Windows Update auto-downloads by default and tells you it's ready to install. One double-click. Done.
Yet... what do you think? It's like 80% of the people with XP never f*cking bothered, now they're whining. It's not like it was on Windows Update, mentioned on the news, mentioned on TV, mentioned in computer mags and on websites everywhere...
Like the example I put on one of the newsgroups:
"Doctor, I feel ill."
"Oh, my god, you have to go to surgery NOW or you'll die within the week!"
"I don't understand all that medical stuff, I'm going on vacation."
Uh huh.
Now, I don't really *like* MS but they DID THEIR JOB here. They can't FORCE the patch on your system, but they make it so easy to get it's rediculous.
Even if people DON'T patch, they ADDED A FIREWALL for the fucking connection!
Damn, people....
Monday, August 11, 2003
Damn. What is it with women...
Wife hauled me to the coffee shop today. I don't usually drink coffee, and didn't this time, but they have decent carrot cake.
Anyway, across the street there was a wedding apparel store. Front window, female mannequin, missing everything but a slip. Including her arm.
I made the mistake of pointing it out.
Now, men, you know one of two things would happen here:
1. The woman will complain that you think she's supposed to have a body like that, her butt's too big, etc. That didn't happen. Fortunatley, rarely if ever does.
2. She stares at it, laughs, stares some more, goes on to tell everybody in the place about it, stares some more, babbles on about her modeling, our sex life, everything that really does NOT need to be discussed in public.
Yeah, the second one. Why is it that women feel the need to discuss this stuff, IN PUBLIC? Or with their friends? It's NOBODY ELSES FARKING BUSINESS.
Women - We men do NOT like having our sex lives discussed over dinner in a restaraunt, walking down the street, on a cell phone, with the rest of the group of women over a salad, yelled across a store or anything else. Much like we don't want to try to enjoy a nice steak while you inform us and everyone in earshot that it's "that time of the month" and you need your feminine hygene products, and shall we get them right after dinner so you don't stain anything...
Wife hauled me to the coffee shop today. I don't usually drink coffee, and didn't this time, but they have decent carrot cake.
Anyway, across the street there was a wedding apparel store. Front window, female mannequin, missing everything but a slip. Including her arm.
I made the mistake of pointing it out.
Now, men, you know one of two things would happen here:
1. The woman will complain that you think she's supposed to have a body like that, her butt's too big, etc. That didn't happen. Fortunatley, rarely if ever does.
2. She stares at it, laughs, stares some more, goes on to tell everybody in the place about it, stares some more, babbles on about her modeling, our sex life, everything that really does NOT need to be discussed in public.
Yeah, the second one. Why is it that women feel the need to discuss this stuff, IN PUBLIC? Or with their friends? It's NOBODY ELSES FARKING BUSINESS.
Women - We men do NOT like having our sex lives discussed over dinner in a restaraunt, walking down the street, on a cell phone, with the rest of the group of women over a salad, yelled across a store or anything else. Much like we don't want to try to enjoy a nice steak while you inform us and everyone in earshot that it's "that time of the month" and you need your feminine hygene products, and shall we get them right after dinner so you don't stain anything...
Has the spam dam really burst?
Ha. Some people say that Spam's beign made out to be worse than it is?
Then tell me why I have to have a seperate account to sign up for stuff, and that account gets - literally - hundreds of emails PER DAY, most of which are deleted as spam? I save MAYBE 5 of those a day.
My Juno and Netzero accounts are useless. ALL they get are spam. Period.
I know when I "opt in" to get messages. There are five game companies, two computer companies, and a couple mailing lists (This is True and Langalist) I sign up for. If those are ALL I'd get email from, I'd get 10 a week - 14 if there's a promotion of some sort on.
I have other email accounts (not listed) that get amost zero spam. I mean, literally, I get maybe 5 a MONTH. And one of those is usually let in via Yahoo groups (someone signing onto the *group* and spamming.)
So where does all the spam come from on those other accounts?
1. I'm sure Juno and NetZero have sold my email address. I got almost NO spam on NetZero 'til Juno bought it. And I get almost the same spam on both services. (FWIW, I only use them FOR email. I check once in a while.)
2. My Hotmail account is used for everything - newsgroups, websites, signing up for lists I don't know about, that sort of thing. I've also had it for years. Yet the spam "flood" has *really* kicked in in the last year and a half or so there. I know it's out there. That's why I use it. Besides, Hotmail is regularly targeted for spam attacks - you know, you get joe123, joey123, joe1234, joe12345, jog123, all sorts of iterations of email addresses.
3. I set up Hotmail accounts for my other websites, too. I've noticed they've started getting from 5-30 spams a day. My wife's Hotmail account, which she uses for nothing, gets... almost none.
I used to go through and "Hunt down" spammers, at least the worst ones. I know I cost some of them money ("University Diplomas!" - which I haven't seen in at least 3 months - I forced them to call ME, international long distance, and kept them yakking for a while. Even got them to admit they KNEW what they were doing is spamming.) And I did this more often when I used Juno or NetZero, since they were interfering with my ISP. (I don't use them at the moment.)
Yet when I realized how I could control what THEY saw and spammed, I dont' worry any more. Sure, I still think spammers should be hung by their gonads (small though they are,) whipped, covered in jalapeno juice, then dipped in honey and left by a fire ant mound. But at least I can (mostly) keep them out of my "real" accounts.
Ha. Some people say that Spam's beign made out to be worse than it is?
Then tell me why I have to have a seperate account to sign up for stuff, and that account gets - literally - hundreds of emails PER DAY, most of which are deleted as spam? I save MAYBE 5 of those a day.
My Juno and Netzero accounts are useless. ALL they get are spam. Period.
I know when I "opt in" to get messages. There are five game companies, two computer companies, and a couple mailing lists (This is True and Langalist) I sign up for. If those are ALL I'd get email from, I'd get 10 a week - 14 if there's a promotion of some sort on.
I have other email accounts (not listed) that get amost zero spam. I mean, literally, I get maybe 5 a MONTH. And one of those is usually let in via Yahoo groups (someone signing onto the *group* and spamming.)
So where does all the spam come from on those other accounts?
1. I'm sure Juno and NetZero have sold my email address. I got almost NO spam on NetZero 'til Juno bought it. And I get almost the same spam on both services. (FWIW, I only use them FOR email. I check once in a while.)
2. My Hotmail account is used for everything - newsgroups, websites, signing up for lists I don't know about, that sort of thing. I've also had it for years. Yet the spam "flood" has *really* kicked in in the last year and a half or so there. I know it's out there. That's why I use it. Besides, Hotmail is regularly targeted for spam attacks - you know, you get joe123, joey123, joe1234, joe12345, jog123, all sorts of iterations of email addresses.
3. I set up Hotmail accounts for my other websites, too. I've noticed they've started getting from 5-30 spams a day. My wife's Hotmail account, which she uses for nothing, gets... almost none.
I used to go through and "Hunt down" spammers, at least the worst ones. I know I cost some of them money ("University Diplomas!" - which I haven't seen in at least 3 months - I forced them to call ME, international long distance, and kept them yakking for a while. Even got them to admit they KNEW what they were doing is spamming.) And I did this more often when I used Juno or NetZero, since they were interfering with my ISP. (I don't use them at the moment.)
Yet when I realized how I could control what THEY saw and spammed, I dont' worry any more. Sure, I still think spammers should be hung by their gonads (small though they are,) whipped, covered in jalapeno juice, then dipped in honey and left by a fire ant mound. But at least I can (mostly) keep them out of my "real" accounts.
Thursday, August 07, 2003
I feel used up. And pointless. And kind of a waste.
What the hell have I done with my life?
I don't know, I'm rather assuming this is just... coming on because of what's coming up. Another week and a half, and I'm moving, preparing for a divorce we don't really want, but do need (apparently.) I've been out of (real) work - maybe "out of career" is better - for around three and a half or four years. Worked a few small jobs, nothing in a year and a half...
Old friends are imposible to get hold of. *sigh*
I don't know. I just hate what's coming up, I suppose.
I can't stand self pity.
What the hell have I done with my life?
I don't know, I'm rather assuming this is just... coming on because of what's coming up. Another week and a half, and I'm moving, preparing for a divorce we don't really want, but do need (apparently.) I've been out of (real) work - maybe "out of career" is better - for around three and a half or four years. Worked a few small jobs, nothing in a year and a half...
Old friends are imposible to get hold of. *sigh*
I don't know. I just hate what's coming up, I suppose.
I can't stand self pity.
Monday, August 04, 2003
Tombp36.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)
Dammit. This annoys me.
Got into an online contest at modeling madness ("Build the same kit." Happened to be a kit of an aircraft I love - the P-36.) What wins? Not my natural metal bird, or the other two I entered... no, it's this POS. That looks like its a cast aluminum aircraft (that is NOT a "natural metal" finish, that's a "Collided with a Reynolds Aluminum truck" finish,) and is flat out WRONG in many areas (just off the top of my head, US aircraft didn't use the "stick" antenna - which is too big anyway, there are no antenna wires anywhere - and they're easy to add with this kit, and US aircraft did NOT have the four wing guns... at least not this one, or most P-36A or Cs that the USAAC used. It was tried as the XP-36D, but not adopted.)
Hell, it's not like there are ACTUAL PHOTOS of this aircraft anywhere to see HE'S WRONG. Or for HIM to see he's wrong AS HE'S BUILDING IT. The "runners up" in the category are just as wrong in at least as many areas.
Guess people don't judge on anything but "oooh, it pretty, shiny, lot of colors." So online contests - here at least - are a fucking waste of time. So much for actually putting EFFORT into getting anything right, or getting a decent, realistic natural metal effect without either (a) looking like a solid piece of metal or (b) looking like a patchwork quilt.
Damn, I'm pissed. It's like taking a classic Dusenberg, working on it for years to get it meticulously detailed and perfect, and having people tell you the spraycan-painted Pinto (in flaming hot pink) is "better." Now I know why I normally don't get involved in this BS.
Dammit. This annoys me.
Got into an online contest at modeling madness ("Build the same kit." Happened to be a kit of an aircraft I love - the P-36.) What wins? Not my natural metal bird, or the other two I entered... no, it's this POS. That looks like its a cast aluminum aircraft (that is NOT a "natural metal" finish, that's a "Collided with a Reynolds Aluminum truck" finish,) and is flat out WRONG in many areas (just off the top of my head, US aircraft didn't use the "stick" antenna - which is too big anyway, there are no antenna wires anywhere - and they're easy to add with this kit, and US aircraft did NOT have the four wing guns... at least not this one, or most P-36A or Cs that the USAAC used. It was tried as the XP-36D, but not adopted.)
Hell, it's not like there are ACTUAL PHOTOS of this aircraft anywhere to see HE'S WRONG. Or for HIM to see he's wrong AS HE'S BUILDING IT. The "runners up" in the category are just as wrong in at least as many areas.
Guess people don't judge on anything but "oooh, it pretty, shiny, lot of colors." So online contests - here at least - are a fucking waste of time. So much for actually putting EFFORT into getting anything right, or getting a decent, realistic natural metal effect without either (a) looking like a solid piece of metal or (b) looking like a patchwork quilt.
Damn, I'm pissed. It's like taking a classic Dusenberg, working on it for years to get it meticulously detailed and perfect, and having people tell you the spraycan-painted Pinto (in flaming hot pink) is "better." Now I know why I normally don't get involved in this BS.
Sunday, August 03, 2003
People are idiots.
Just got a forward of a news release. USS Kitty Hawk is replacing its Tomcats with F/A-18E Super Hornets (kind of a misnomer, as they're not just "upgrades" of the -18, but mostly new aircraft. Think it's a bit of BS so they could get the money in... supposedly a less capable aircraft, too.)
Anyway... well, here's part of the release:
The Super Hornet, a multirole attack and fighter aircraft, has 35
percent more engine power than the Hornet and increases the external
payload for missiles and bombs by two loads to 11.
"The deployment of this state-of-the-art aircraft must be aimed at
strengthening combat-readiness given the development of nuclear weapons
and other threats from North Korea," said aviation critic Yoshitomo
But local people are concerned that the Super Hornets will make even
more noise during frequent drills.
"I guess noise will be worse as the engine is bigger," said Hiromichi
Umebayashi, who represents a base-monitoring citizens' group called
Peace Depot.
An official of the Yamato city government said, "We will closely monitor
U.S. moves from the viewpoint of noise."
The Kanagawa Prefectural Government said it received more than 5000
complaints a year in the three years to 2002 about noise from fighter
jets near the Atsugi base, a 50 percent increase over previous years.
A. No, the engines aren't bigger, they're "bigger than the other version."
B. More powerful does NOT mean more noisy, but it's a simple enough equation for these nitwits to misunderstand, and
C. Gotta love the sentiment. "Oh, help protect us, just do it somewhere else so you don't make any noise!" Can't have it both ways.
I have to wonder how many of these same nations would be screaming if we just said "Fuck you" to all of them, and pulled forces out of EVERY nation they're based in (except the ones that don't complain - let's see, Liberia wants some troops there for now, fine. Keep the bases in England, and... hmm. Who hasn't been complaining? Taiwan?)
How much money would they lose? How many of them would be fighting off an invasion within a few years (such as, oh, South Korea?)
And what about Iraq? Sorry, that's a no-win situation there. If we stay, the Arabs bitch about "infidels" being there. But if we said "Fine, we're leaving," what do you think would happen? A, some other religious nut would take control and start trying to grind everyone else down, B, there'd be someone trying to invade (Turkey in the north to "stamp out" the kurds, and why n ot some revenge from Iran?) and (C) you think the looting before was bad? Of course, then the Arabs would bitch because we LEFT. Hey, assholes, our forces are keeping you in one piece. Saddam Jr 1 and 2 are worm food. We're spending money to work on rebuilding, and get you some ACTUAL police and such - not paid government thugs who'll rape your sister if you look at them funny, after they play "Pin the electrode to the scrotum" with you.
On the other hand, maybe they have a right to be pissed. After all, the RIAA sent one of their honchos over to "rewrite" Iraq's copyright laws. Guess they'll still have a partial dictatorship. Suprised he didn't make copying a file punishable by execution. (Come to think of it, I *think* it was a woman.)
Just got a forward of a news release. USS Kitty Hawk is replacing its Tomcats with F/A-18E Super Hornets (kind of a misnomer, as they're not just "upgrades" of the -18, but mostly new aircraft. Think it's a bit of BS so they could get the money in... supposedly a less capable aircraft, too.)
Anyway... well, here's part of the release:
The Super Hornet, a multirole attack and fighter aircraft, has 35
percent more engine power than the Hornet and increases the external
payload for missiles and bombs by two loads to 11.
"The deployment of this state-of-the-art aircraft must be aimed at
strengthening combat-readiness given the development of nuclear weapons
and other threats from North Korea," said aviation critic Yoshitomo
But local people are concerned that the Super Hornets will make even
more noise during frequent drills.
"I guess noise will be worse as the engine is bigger," said Hiromichi
Umebayashi, who represents a base-monitoring citizens' group called
Peace Depot.
An official of the Yamato city government said, "We will closely monitor
U.S. moves from the viewpoint of noise."
The Kanagawa Prefectural Government said it received more than 5000
complaints a year in the three years to 2002 about noise from fighter
jets near the Atsugi base, a 50 percent increase over previous years.
A. No, the engines aren't bigger, they're "bigger than the other version."
B. More powerful does NOT mean more noisy, but it's a simple enough equation for these nitwits to misunderstand, and
C. Gotta love the sentiment. "Oh, help protect us, just do it somewhere else so you don't make any noise!" Can't have it both ways.
I have to wonder how many of these same nations would be screaming if we just said "Fuck you" to all of them, and pulled forces out of EVERY nation they're based in (except the ones that don't complain - let's see, Liberia wants some troops there for now, fine. Keep the bases in England, and... hmm. Who hasn't been complaining? Taiwan?)
How much money would they lose? How many of them would be fighting off an invasion within a few years (such as, oh, South Korea?)
And what about Iraq? Sorry, that's a no-win situation there. If we stay, the Arabs bitch about "infidels" being there. But if we said "Fine, we're leaving," what do you think would happen? A, some other religious nut would take control and start trying to grind everyone else down, B, there'd be someone trying to invade (Turkey in the north to "stamp out" the kurds, and why n ot some revenge from Iran?) and (C) you think the looting before was bad? Of course, then the Arabs would bitch because we LEFT. Hey, assholes, our forces are keeping you in one piece. Saddam Jr 1 and 2 are worm food. We're spending money to work on rebuilding, and get you some ACTUAL police and such - not paid government thugs who'll rape your sister if you look at them funny, after they play "Pin the electrode to the scrotum" with you.
On the other hand, maybe they have a right to be pissed. After all, the RIAA sent one of their honchos over to "rewrite" Iraq's copyright laws. Guess they'll still have a partial dictatorship. Suprised he didn't make copying a file punishable by execution. (Come to think of it, I *think* it was a woman.)
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