Friday, May 31, 2013

Downside of apartment living

I like my apartment. And I like being "home." Really, I do...

... but it sucks for astronomy.

Admittedly I want a bigger telescope, too, but I've been trying - weather permitting - to catch the Venus-Jupiter-Mercury pairing (tripling?) and I've caught... venus. Jupiter's too low, Venus sets early... and I have rooftops in the way. Blah. (And trying to catch this while weather's semi-cooperative and work is slow, I can't drive out to the middle of nowhere...)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bigger is better...

... at least when it comes to telescopes.

I want a bigger telescope. Badly.  The little Orion scope I have now isn't bad - I can pick out stars I can't see with the naked eye, I've seen (sort of) Venus and Jupiter - enough to pick out the Galilean moons.

But they're still dots. Big dots, mind, but still dots.

I really want to see detail.

... I also want to get somewhere I can *see* these things, away from lights, apartments and garages blocking things, etc.

Anyone have winning lottery numbers? :)

Monday, May 06, 2013

Random snarkiness...

Soda that's flatter than my ex. Now that's an achievement...