So, what's happened since my last update? Well, my mom got cancer. (Again. Or still. It moved.) And, after caring for her as best we could, after fighting it, after her being exceptionally brave about the inevitable... she died. It was peaceful, though I wish she could have not had to deal with her final week or two. Not that it was painful, it was just... the worst part of the decline, I suppose. On the other hand, we had the support of the family. She died Feb 13, 2012. Rest in peace, mom. We may not have always agreed - in fact, on many things, we didn't - but you were an awesome mom, and a spectacular example of what a parent should strive to be, even with human failings.
We sold the house, and I moved back home. I now have an apartment maybe two miles from where I grew up - and a very short drive from my sister, nephews and nieces (and slightly longer drive to two of my brothers.) I could probably do with a cheaper apartment, to be honest, but working from home, having an office is nice. And it's where I want to be.
I've had my first REAL winter in years. Yes, snow! Piles of it. It was glorious. Not least because I didn't have to shovel it. (Part of why I'm an apartment dweller.) Sure, too chilly to walk most days, but it's getting warmer now, so it's time to... get better walking shoes and get walking.
NCSoft killed City of Heroes, my mainstay MMO... and were absolute bastards to any attempt to keep it running or for anyone to buy it out. (The studio was working on ways of going independent, actually, and buying it back... NCSoft's "working with" them? Sure, they set up offers and conditions. Let's just say it's like having a 7'7" basketball player telling a three year old they can have their crayons if they can reach them, while holding them at arms reach over their head and pissing on them the whole time.) They did not, from any report, negotiate "in good faith." They negotiated like bastards. There are other efforts to get a superhero MMO out there now... but it'll be years if any bear fruit. Still, I'm getting art done of my characters from old screenshots. I had far too much fun in that game - and not least due to the people I met and became friends with.
I'm making music again... well, trying to. I need to practice much more. I'm freaking rusty as hell.
I'm also probably setting up two more blogs - one dealing with various things about atheism, another for my model building. Just because they're two things important to me. I'll try to update this more, too... but hey, who's actually reading? :) Still, the writing is good exercise. Think I'll try to set up a schedule of updates and stick to it. We'll see if THAT works... *snicker*
In the meantime, some Sting: