They've just walked out on budget negotiations. They insist (with that "ready for more elections!" vibe) that (a) they just need to get more things done and (b) Democrats insist on "raising taxes on the American people."
I wonder when we'll get some that realize "The American people" includes more than their rich contributors. You know... the same ones they've kept giving tax breaks to. The ones they protect while doing things like cutting the educational budget and attacking the social programs the non-rich at times rely on. (I'm fortunate that I don't, right now. I have a great job that looks steady for the forseeable future.)
I'm not sure which makes me more sick - the Republicans refusing to see that a budget includes money coming *in* (and insisting they just need to cut more programs - they're on the warpath against any social programs) or so many of the people voting for them not seeing that they're *not doing what's best for them.* Are we truly that unaware, swayed by fearmongering advertising?
If it weren't for the train wreck it would cause, I'd almost suggest the democrats step down and *let* the Republicans go wild - just rubberstamp everything. Eight years later (assuming we still have elections,) they can step back up and say "Now, about those social programs, education and the like - don't you wish you'd actually paid attention?" Of course, that assumes the rich masters allow their serfs to watch TV or learn to read.